Search for information in offshore registers
Legal Insight
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It is necessary to conduct due diligence before starting work with a new contractor. The full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation on the territory of Ukraine starting from February 24, 2022 the company check has become particularly crucial.

As it is forbidden/restricted to trade or have other relations with sanctioned companies/residents of the Russian Federation then it is important to check whether the counterparty has as UBOs residents of Russia. Nightingales Partners has created a proposed infographic on searching information in registers abroad to identify and prevent such risks.
Yana Mykhailiuk
Junior Associate
It is necessary to conduct due diligence before starting work with a new contractor. The full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation on the territory of Ukraine starting from February 24, 2022 the company check has become particularly crucial.

As it is forbidden/restricted to trade or have other relations with sanctioned companies/residents of the Russian Federation then it is important to check whether the counterparty has as UBOs residents of Russia. Nightingales Partners has created a proposed infographic on searching information in registers abroad to identify and prevent such risks.
The state register of companies is for free, but more detailed information is chargeable and available only for 24 hours in Greek.
• There is no register of court decisions. But participants of litigantion sometimes publish court decisions.
United Kingdom
The register of companies is public and for free, include England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.
The real estate register of England and Wales is chargeable and contains information from April 2000. It is possible to find information only by the address. The same applies to a register in the Northern Ireland. However, in the Scottish real estate register you can choose a location on the map.
The register of companies is chargeable, however, it is impossible to find out about beneficiaries, shareholders and managers.
The register of companies and the register of court decisions are for free, but only available by VPN.
The register of companies is for free. Information on annual reports, management, founders is available for a fee.
The register of companies is for free, but does not contain information about beneficiaries and owners.
The register of companies is chargeable and provides the information after registration.
• There is an option to buy financial statements, however, only in Italian.
The real estate register is for an extra fee.
• Search in the Supreme Court is available only by keywords.
The register of companies is for free, however, information about beneficiaries and directors is chargeable.
• If a beneficiary is a woman then the search should be carried out by maiden name.
In the register of land the person needs to write a request to the City Hall to find out the name of the owner.
British Virgin Islands (BVI)
• There is no public register of companies, but there is a possibility to make a request on the website of the Financial Services Commission BVI.
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