The war that the Russian Federation has started against the Ukrainian nation forced to reconsider the importance of civil protection facilities. This issue was not in question recently, however, constant missiles' strikes forced the government to make legislative changes.
On 20
th May 2022 the Ukrainian parliament voted a bill No. 7398 On Amendments to Some Legislative Acts of Ukraine Regarding Ensuring Civil Defence Requirements During Planning and Development of Territories (the «Law»).
The new Law provides additional measures concerning construction activities related to the protection of the population from explosions, blast waves, damage by dangerous chemical, radioactive and biologically vicious substances.
In connection with above-mentioned Law, changes are being made to the Code of Civil Protection of Ukraine, Law of Ukraine On Topographic, Geodesic and Cartographic Activity, Law of Ukraine On Regulation of City Planning Activity, Law of Ukraine On Electricity Market.
It is necessary to focus on the definitions of civil protection facilities and dual-use structure, which are mentioned in the Code of Civil Protection of Ukraine.
Thus, civil protection facilities – engineering facilities designed to protect people against exposure to hazard resulting in emergency, military operation, or terrorist attack (so called
bomb-proof shelter), dual-use structure - a land or underground structure that can be used for its primary function and people protection (parking lot).